
Los Angeles County Psychiatrists and Dentists

UAPD in LA County Looking Forward…

The County of Los Angeles provides services to the over 10 million residents who call Los Angeles County home. With more than 35 departments and 200 commissions, the County operates one of the largest local government organizations in the world. Given the size of this...

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LA County Safe and Just Culture Policy

Los Angeles County Policy No. 311.4, as revised on July 1, 2016, states as its purpose:  “To build, maintain, and support a Safe and Just Culture at the Department of Health Services...A Safe and Just Culture is one in which safety is an individual and...

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LA County Looks for Logo and Motto

The Los Angeles County Health Agency, in partnership with labor unions including UAPD, has launched a logo and motto contest as part of their Health Agency employee engagement campaign.  The contest is open to all Los Angeles County Health Agency employees. ...

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LA Physicians in Bargaining

Los Angeles County Physicians (324) are at the table this month.  One of the ways that an employer gauges the strength of a union during bargaining is by its membership rate -- the percentage of people who have chosen to sign an application to become full members...

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LA County Members Stand Up for Department Integration

On August 11th the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted in favor of integrating the existing health care departments into a single agency.  More than 25 UAPD members, doctors and pharmacists, testified in favor of integration before the vote took place.  Many...

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LA County Doctors Support Department Integration

UAPD-represented doctors in the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS), Department of Mental Health (DMH), Department of Public Health (DPH), and the Sheriff's Department medical services are in support of a new plan to unite the departments into a...

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