
Doctors Appreciate UAPD CME on Violence

The latest UAPD-sponsored, no-cost continuing medical education class, which was held in Indian Wells on April 29th, had many highlights. Entitled “Prescriptions for a Violent Society,” the class brought together five engaging speakers (Dr. Behnam Behnam, Dr. David Keulen, Dr. Richard Pan, Dr. Naras Bhat, and Dr. Stuart Bussey) each with a distinct perspective on dealing with violence as it relates to medicine.

After an overview provided by Dr. Bussey, Dr. Behnam gave a talk which focused on the timely question, “What do we do about safety for healthcare clinicians?” He taught meeting participants how to “identify potentially dangerous situations and patients,” and finished by offering a very specific and useful “framework for managing dangerousness and perhaps even preventing future violent incidents.”

Dr. Keulen demonstrated that “firearms pose a measurable health risk to certain populations,” making guns an appropriate discussion topic for many doctors. Several participants praised Dr. Keulen’s detailed discussion of the various types of firearms, which would allow practitioners to engage with their patients on the topic in an informed way.

Dr. Richard Pan, who is a State Assembly Member as well as UC-Davis- affiliated pediatrician, drew on his own expertise to discuss violence as it relates to children.

The day ended with an entertaining and informative talk from Dr. Bhat, who presented the scientific basis of physician burnout along with easy tools that physicians can use to heal themselves and others. Dr. Bhat provided a compelling validation of his techniques when he hooked an audience volunteer to a biofeedback machine and guided the doctor through various states of stress and relaxation.

The next CME will take place in October in Los Angeles during the annual membership meetings; details will be available soon on the UAPD website.