
Many LA County Grievances Settled in Favor of Doctors

UAPD staff and stewards in Los Angeles County have been hard at work enforcing the UAPD contract.  In recent months, several grievances have been settled in favor of UAPD doctors.  For example:

  • A Long Beach Comprehensive Health Center (CHC) physician filed a grievance and won a retroactive “additional responsibility bonus” to compensate for the fact he had been working at a higher classification since March 2012.
  • The Sheriff Department tried to involuntarily transfer a physician to a new location of their choosing, but a UAPD grievance allowed that doctor to choose the new location where he would work.
  • When the Claude Hudson CHC closed its surgery department, UAPD helped all displaced doctors find work elsewhere in the county.  When the County tried to transfer one doctor to a clinic 200 miles from his home, UAPD grieved this as a “hardship transfer” and won a better placement for that doctor.
  • UAPD has also grieved unjust “confirmation of counseling” letters and prevailed.