
Resident physicians and fellows at the University at Buffalo, who work at hospitals across Western New York, have filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board for a union representation election, The Buffalo News reported Feb. 22. 

About 800 interns, residents and fellows are part of the University at Buffalo Resident Program, according to the petition

The physicians seek to organize with the Union of American Physicians & Dentists. 

Stuart Bussey, MD, president of the union, told The Buffalo News the campaign stems from “too much work, not enough pay, not enough voice.”

“We understand medical training is not supposed to be easy and that there is a culture of putting in your dues, but the blatant disparity experienced by UB residents and fellows puts patient care at risk,” the university residents, fellows and interns wrote at ubhousestaff.org, a website related to the organizing effort. “This can no longer be tolerated. We need a say in our working conditions and we need to demand a seat at the table so that we can provide a safe working environment for ourselves and for the safety of our patients.”