
LifeLong Medical Center Management Bargaining Petition

LifeLong Medical Center Bargaining Petition

Dear David Vliet,

We are writing to express our disappointment in LMC\'s decision to exclude union-represented employees in the recent 2% \"discretionary pay increase.\" As you will remember, last year LMC gave both represented and unrepresented employees a raise. There is no reason they could not have done so again this year.

If the intent of excluding us in the raise was to make us question the value of forming a union, it has not worked. In fact, it has made us question the values of LMC leadership. As a result, we have three requests:

  1. Stop treating represented employees less favorably than unrepresented employees.
  2. Provide employees a 2% pay increase retroactive to April 4, 2022.
  3. Respond in a meaningful way to UAPD proposals for sustainable workload, and for safe and equitable patient care.


%%your signature%%