
Details of the Santa Cruz County Tentative Agreement

The UAPD Negotiating Committee has reached a second Tentative Agreement (TA) with the County of Santa Cruz over a successor collective bargaining agreement. This TA also settles the Unfair Labor Practice Charge filed by the Union against the County and contains details of the settlement reached on grievance #505.

1. TA reached on January 23, 2009 shall be implemented upon Union ratification and BOS (Board of Supervisors) approval.
2. New Pay Article 7.1. added to clarify compensation increases contained in the TA.
3. Economic Reopener language in the event that the BOS declares a fiscal emergency. This language is consistent with the language reached by the Law Enforcement Bargaining Units.
4. New HSA Physician/Management Committee replaces Clinical Care Committee (Article 24)
5. UAPD Recognition Election — County acknowledges sufficient proof of support and shall process it to election.
6. Bonus of $500 for each physician upon Union ratification and BOS adoption of agreement.

It is without reservation that the UAPD committee recommends ratification of this agreement and urges members to vote “Yes.”