
Schwarzenegger’s Stay Granted — Furloughs Still In Effect April 2nd

Despite mounting evidence that his furlough plan has failed, Schwarzenegger continues to pour state money into legal challenges to delay their inevitable end. Following last week’s rulings in favor of UAPD and other unions, the Schwarzenegger administration filed three more appeals on Monday. Today Schwarzenegger was granted a temporary stay on Judge Roesch’s latest order, the one slated to end furloughs for special fund positions by the end of this week. In other words, because of Schwarzenegger’s appeals, this Friday there are still furloughs for all state workers.

While we are outraged at the Governor’s latest delay tactic, we believe the law is on the side of the State workers, and in time our case will prevail. UAPD attorneys are already at work on arguments that this latest stay should be reversed and doctors allowed to work their full schedules. We expect to have more news next week about whether our opposition succeeds.