
Strike Authorization Vote Ends July 31 – Vote Now


Due to the state’s slow pace of bargaining and their anemic offer of a 2% annual wage increase, your UAPD Bargaining Committee is recommending a vote for member collective action, including a strike. We recommend this course of action only after UAPD has made multiple legal, political, and media maneuvers to pressure the state to act reasonably.

During last week’s BU16 town hall meeting, your colleagues agreed with the Bargaining Committee that a strike vote is necessary now “in order to get respect from the current Administration.”

After years of burnout, tolerating higher workloads without competitive compensation, and delivering excellent patient care—BU16 doctors have reached their limit. It is understandably frustrating when contract/registry doctors who work alongside you make double your salary and receive preferential treatment.

Check your email for the ballot and vote today. If your colleagues did not receive a ballot, please have them contact uapd@uapd.com using their personal email address. Tell non-members to join UAPD now so that they can participate in collective actions that will benefit all of you. We need all BU16 doctors to stick together and vote “YES.” We need strength and unity to ensure the existence of civil service doctors.

The time is now to defend public health and safety and effective patient care.