
California Universities

State Contract Extended for One Year

The Department of Personnel Administration and Governor Jerry Brown have agreed to a one-year extension of the agreement that covers UAPD doctors working for the State of California in Bargaining Unit 16.  That agreement now expires on July 1, 2013, and all applicable...

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CalPERS is Stable and Affordable

AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer Lee Saunders reminded readers of the San Francisco Chronicle that "the sky is not falling on the California pension system" in an editorial published this week. Read the full text of Saunder's editorial, entitled California Pension System...

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Bargaining Roundup: Counties, Clinics, CSU

In recent years the best strategy for many county bargaining units has been to rollover the current contract rather than negotiate a new one, assuming the employer agrees to do so. While extending a contract generally means no new salary increases, it also means no...

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