
Under the new policy, Union members and management will educate the workforce on the new policy, identify potential system deficiencies in various departments, and recruit team members to assist in resolving potential problems.  Just Culture will focus less on disciplinary actions and focus more on corrective actions.   UAPD members will have access to all bargaining unit members when discussing Just Culture.  So, they will be able to recruit new members and provide updates on Union activities.  

UAPD and DHS developed new programs to continue efforts for Physician recruitment and retention.  In order to continue building on the successful events sponsored by the Union and the County, a new recruitment incentive and student loan payment reimbursement was established.  New hires in Correctional Health will be eligible for up to $30,000:   $10,000 after 6 months and another $20,000 after 18 months on the job.  New employees could opt for the student loan payment reimbursement program.  Physicians would receive up to $30, 000 at the end of each year up to 4 years (total $120,000 in reimbursement).  The Department of Mental Health has expressed interest in creating similar programs for recruitment and retention of Psychiatrists in Los Angeles County.