

Doctors Appreciate UAPD CME on Violence

The latest UAPD-sponsored, no-cost continuing medical education class, which was held in Indian Wells on April 29th, had many highlights. Entitled "Prescriptions for a Violent Society," the class brought together five engaging speakers (Dr. Behnam Behnam, Dr. David...

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Cal-OSHA Fines DMH for Safety Violations in Napa

Speaking on behalf of the Union of American Physicians and Dentists, UAPD President Dr. Stuart Bussey responded:  "We are pleased that OSHA has issued these fines against the Department of Mental Health, but frankly, it's not enough.  $100,000 is peanuts compared to a...

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NPRs “Morning Edition” Examines DMH Violence

UAPD-represented doctors and other union members contributed to a hard-hitting, two-part special report about Napa State Hospital violence, which is being broadcast nationally on National Public Radio (NPR).  You can listen to  Day 1 or Day 2 of the report by veteran...

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Kern County Doctors Become part of UAPD

On Wednesday April 6, 2011, Kern County doctors voted overwhelmingly in favor of making the Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) their exclusive bargaining representative.  Congratulations and welcome to UAPD's newest members! Kern County Doctors are the...

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Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King

Dr. Martin Luther King considered forging a strong alliance between the labor movement and the civil rights movement one of his goals.  When he was murdered in Memphis he was actually helping lead a sanitation worker strike there.  King wanted Black workers to be...

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