
UAPD Updates

Governor’s Message on Furloughs: Over, for Now

Department of Personnel Administration Director Debbie Endsley sent a memo saying: "With respect to furloughs, the current program ends June 30, and the Administration expects the State to resume normal hours of operation in July. The Governor's budget proposal...

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State Improves Its Offer for Doctors

The UAPD Bargaining Team met with representatives of the State Department of Personnel Administration (DPA) on April 28th, May 19th, and again on June 10th. Responding to the UAPD Bargaining Team’s strong rejection of the State’s February 4th offer, on the more recent...

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Wide Range of Topics Addressed on Opening Day

The Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) Bargaining Team met with representatives from the State of California for the first bargaining session on Wednesday, June 4. Representing the doctors were: Dr. Georgia Thomatos, Department of Corrections and...

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Furlough Fight Continues

In late May, the state Supreme Court granted Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s request to hear one of the appeals he filed in response to a series of decisions made earlier this year; specifically the Supreme Court will review a Superior Court judge’s decision...

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CORRECTED State Bargaining Update for May 28, 2010

The UAPD Bargaining Team met with representatives at the State Department of Personnel Administration (DPA) on April 28th and again on Wednesday May 19th. On both dates, the DPA passed conceptual proposals that improved somewhat on what the State had initially...

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