
University of California (UC)

UAPD Urges UC to Pick Up the Pace

UAPD's bargaining team and UC management representatives have continued to meet for negotiations toward a first contract that will cover physicians, dentists, and podiatrists at the student health and counseling centers statewide. Unfortunately, after nine negotiation...

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Bargaining Update for UC Doctors

The UAPD Bargaining Team has met twice with the University of California management team. The team members are Amol Doshi, M.D. (UC San Diego), Sean Kennedy, M.D. (UC Davis), C. McDaniel, M.D. (UC Los Angeles), Jeffrey Nelson, M.D. (UC Berkeley), Harry Siemonsma, M.D....

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UAPD and UC Meet Over UCI Hours

On January 9th, UAPD was notified by UCI administrators that they planned to extend hours at the Student Health Center.  UAPD Labor Representative Jake Baxter met with a group of UCI doctors to prepare a response, and then, along with one of the UCI doctors, met with...

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UC Bargaining Begins in January

Under the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA), universities and unions are required to post their initial bargaining subjects and hold meetings where members of the public can comment. Those public notice meetings will take place January 8 and...

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New UC Union Recognized

Dear Doctors, Today the University of California (UC) formally recognized the Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) as the exclusive bargaining representative of doctors working in the student health centers.  This marks the successful completion of an...

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UC Unit Membership Clarified

An agreement regarding which student health center physicians and dentists will be represented by UAPD was finally signed on Friday, October 25. After months of stalling, and with a Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) hearing set to begin in less than a week, UC...

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